I never realized how much bees love lavender. I had to take numerous photos before I could capture this one. I also have a butterfly bush near the lavender which is finally thriving in full sun. It is important to plant lots of flowering perennials to help the bees. Bee balm is also another bee favorite plant and it spreads in the garden which makes it a great filler.
Now is the optimum time for drying your lavender. It so, easy to put it into a paper bag in a dark dry closet. Within a few days the lavender will be dried and ready for sachets or cooking. Lavender is great for herbs du provence (add some dried summer savory, oregano, basil leaves, a bit of sage, thyme and rosemary) which would be a great as a dry rub before the chicken hits the bbq.
Soon I will be offering level one reiki classes! More details will follow with regards to pricing and dates. You will be provided a manual and a light lunch for the class. A certificate will follow after completion. During the class there will be lots of opportunity to practice reiki.
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