Thanksgiving Blues
14. October 2024
As I continue my grief journey, I find this holiday weekend particularly challenging. Even armed with the knowledge that the holidays are often a trigger does not provide an emotional immunity in order to deal with what is arising. The tendency to fight which arises is natural. Choosing distraction activities such as a run -particularly useful especially if you are not a runner. Then, running makes you focus on the breath by necessity. Also, being super busy Marie Kondo your cupboard/base
06. October 2024
As we jump into the fall season, the garden starts to change. Tomatoes that were green slowly are turning a golden yellow. Strawberries, started from seed are bearing fruit! Thank you, West Coast Seeds. The strawberries are truly delicious. Unfortunately, the squirrels and rabbits have been eating most of the fruit. Now the small bunnies have discovered a love of cherry tomatoes and romaine. This is after battling slugs all summer who attacked the tomatoes with a gusto! Yet, still I do not give...
26. August 2024
Now is the time to savour each day of summer. It is as if there is a countdown going on. Take time to go to beach, a park or even any greens pace and just enjoy the sunshine and the sound of the birds, leaves, water rushing by. Be present in the present moment. Just be. Don't think of anything at all for a moment, focus on the external sounds. This will bring a sense of calm. Slowly you will start to unwind and be grateful for the ears you have to listen to sounds and to be able to see the...
09. July 2024
My best friend Bella passed away yesterday. It was a difficult decision but, was made easier as the vet came directly to my home to look after Bella. Bella was a wonderful companion who loved long walks by the lake and greeting all the neighbours. Everyone in the neighbourhood knew Bella. Bella even loved watching me cook every night in the kitchen. She did not want to miss a single thing. Now, she is in peace. I am so grateful to have her in my life for 17 years!
28. May 2024
Finally some warm weather has arrived. It is a time to enjoy those quiet moments in nature and appreciate the beauty around you. It is also a time to make time to meditate and to focus on being present in the present moment. As we enter the summertime we can make time to be grateful for the small things as we encounter new challenges in our journeys. Find some time to enjoy those simple things like gelato and sitting in the warm sunshine and just doing nothing for a change. Sometimes when we...
08. March 2024
Finally we are in March a time of renewal and change. It is an exciting time as the garden slowly starts to come to life. As the temperature starts to warm up it is a great time for walking mindfully and just noticing the trees, sky and water. Nothing is more relaxing then ,hearing the waves crashing! It is important to take time to recharge during this time of change. Set some new intentions and goals and move forward leaving debris from the past behind! Look for inspiration for your new...
12. February 2024
February is usually a difficult winter month however, this year the warm spring-like temperatures and occasional sparks of sunshine have been inspirational of better times. The garden is a mud haven for the dog! And it does look hideous now! However, this is the perfect time to plan for veggies in the spring. Starting any seeds indoors always gives you a head start to the new season. It also makes you think of renewal and change. Time to take stock of where you are and where you want to go. As...
25. December 2023
Happy Christmas! It is a time of celebration as we gather with friends and family during this magical time. Although, this year feels a little less magical, a little more difficult as I am missing someone very special. When grieving during the holidays one way to cope with your loss is to allow yourself to have those waves of sadness. Let the feelings arise and just try to watch them with curiosity. Don't try to stop them just let them happen. Notice what is coming up. Breathe. Breathe again....
19. November 2023
Coping with intense physical pain has been the narrative lately for me. Time seems to move much more slowly during this time as you wait for waves of pain to encircle you. You start to wonder- when will this end? And then your mind starts spiralling and taking you on a most depressing narrative. How does one stop the narrative? Lately listening to Joseph Goldstein on the Insight Hour podcast I have found some encouraging words. Rather than struggling to stop the pain 'feeling' just be with it....
04. October 2023
The journey lately has been challenging and very difficult. The path to take is not clear at all. It almost feels as though I am in quicksand! That sinking feeling when one is overwhelmed, that has been all too familiar lately. As I walk along this winding path I am reminded to be present in the moment and to breathe deeply. Find some gratitude in the simple things..being in nature, being able to be present if only for a few minutes. Taking time to connect to the breath. Spending less time...

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