February is usually a difficult winter month however, this year the warm spring-like temperatures and occasional sparks of sunshine have been inspirational of better times.
The garden is a mud haven for the dog! And it does look hideous now! However, this is the perfect time to plan for veggies in the spring. Starting any seeds indoors always gives you a head start to the new season. It also makes you think of renewal and change. Time to take stock of where you are and where you want to go.
As I move through my grief journey I am grateful for my bereavement group as we support each other through these difficult times.
My favourite meditations from Joesph Goldstein often help when times are stressful. Trying to reduce your suffering by not grasping so much...sometimes accepting things are difficult and not trying to push the situation away. Accept it for what it is and breathe...
I am grateful to a yoga teacher who advised me about focussing on the breath and different techniques, and supported me during challenging times. Sometimes you find support where you least expect it!
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