Starting a new year is always a time of excitement as we shake off the doldrums of the previous year. This is a time of planning and looking forward to our next vacation, our next course and challenges. We often set resolutions that we want to eat better, exercise or just be a better person and more mindful.
As the cold of January grips us slowly the resolutions loose some of their strength. The will to resist those chocolate cookies is too strong and we crack. We need to stop depriving ourselves of these snacks. When we have something that is not healthy, take time to really enjoy it, bite by bite. Eat slowly enjoy the taste and really savour it. Don't gobble.. that defeats the purpose. Evelyn Tribole has written many books on Intuitive Eating and this helps create a more positive relationship with food.
Take time this January to look after your mind and body. Be kinder to yourself during these cold months as we navigate our goals.
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