Posts tagged with "energy"

16. January 2016
Smudging is a great technique to clear the negative energy in your home. Sometimes stagnant energy can reside in your house and cause issues for you. It is particularly useful to remove negativity from your environment when you notice it affecting your everyday life. Multiple stressors, and difficult people can all draw energy from you or bring negative energy to you. I encourage you to burn sage or sweetgrass. In my case I burnt both. The smell is pungent, but it is effective. The new year is...
30. September 2014
As we welcome in the cooler weather, we cling to the last vestiges of summer warmth. We continue to wear our flip-flops and extend the season. This is a time of gratitude as we can enjoy the garden longer. During this time it is important to tidy up the garden, gather any seeds you want to save for next spring.. Take some photos of your garden then, you will be able to easily plan for next year as you will know where all the holes are. At Katsura Reiki we have been making Chili Sauce and...