Take some time to enjoy the summer weather. Relax, hydrate and spend some time connecting with nature. Practice some mindful walking in your garden, a nearby park or along the waterfront. The sounds of water are particularly soothing to many people. Summer is such a short season we need to savour every second of it. Explore new towns and festivals and most of all make time on the weekend just to relax and do absolutely nothing. Sometimes it is hard as the notion of doing nothing is so foreign to us. We are continually whirling along like mice in a maze trying to do so many things in such a short period of time. But as we continually rush through life we are missing out on the simple things...a pretty blue sky, the crazy chipmunk playing chicken in the road...and the birds standing by the birdbath.
Enjoy the summer and find some time for reiki to share with others and to enjoy reiki yourself.