Posts tagged with "growth"

02. May 2016
Finally May is here! Now is the time to celebrate all that May brings. A robin's nest marks the start of the season. It has been so cold lately the garden is slow to flourish. However, signs of growth are everywhere. It is a time to take stock of what has returned from the cold winter. I have not seen any evidence of lavender- the most loveliest of herbs. I am encouraged that the Greek Oregano is doing well and chives of course are thriving. Take advantage of these early herbs and add them to a...
04. February 2016
Growth is important as we adapt to new situations and challenges that life throws at us. To foster growth the right conditions need to be present. For plants some water and a light source are ideal. These poppies have both. I can't wait till they become large enough to transplant into larger pots. However, poppies are resistant to transplantation so, I may lose a few in the process. Learning reiki is about growth. As one learns each level we add to an existing base of knowledge. It is through...
24. March 2015
Welcome Spring! It seems like we have waited for a long time for Spring to arrive. This is a time of growth and celebration. As we begin this new season it is a good time to practice meditation and learn new relaxation techniques. Reiki is beneficial for stress relief and this is an ideal time to experience a treatment. I will be starting some zinnias this week for the cutting garden. Starting seeds early ensures a hearty plant for the summer months. My heliotropes are doing fantastic.