Posts tagged with "renewal"

02. May 2016
Finally May is here! Now is the time to celebrate all that May brings. A robin's nest marks the start of the season. It has been so cold lately the garden is slow to flourish. However, signs of growth are everywhere. It is a time to take stock of what has returned from the cold winter. I have not seen any evidence of lavender- the most loveliest of herbs. I am encouraged that the Greek Oregano is doing well and chives of course are thriving. Take advantage of these early herbs and add them to a...
20. March 2016
Spring is finally here. My hollyhock seeds are showing great success..As I wait patiently for the snapdragon and zinnia seeds to show some growth. Meanwhile, the season of renewal and change is here! This is an exciting time as we all take on new challenges and explore new opportunities. Meet your challenges face-on and grow. Use reiki to relieve your stress and to balance your energy. Find some time to meditate and reflect on all the changes you see as the winter slips away and we embrace all...
03. January 2016
Happy New Year! A new year, a new start a time for new beginnings! January is an exciting month. It is a time for renewal, and change. Often this is an ideal time to take stock of what is working within your life and what is not. This is a wonderful time to start a healthy diet or pick some more healthy options and commit to more exercise in your life. Resolutions are often difficult to commit to but still it is good to have some goals as we start this new beginning. Reiki treatments in the...
02. August 2015
Hot August days are here! Time to keep cool with some refreshing drinks by a pool or patio. A little meditation on the hot nights is helpful in calming the mind before sleep. While visiting the town of Woolwich I came across this beautiful windowbox. The sweet potato plants along with the birch pieces look fantastic. Gardens are now in full bloom looking at their best. Take some time to enjoy the beauty which surrounds you...from the gorgeous country views to the flowers in local planters.
23. September 2014
Fall is a time to start new projects reflect on changes that can be made in your life. It really is a time of renewal. You can start within and begin your process by getting rid of old belief systems and negative thinking. Reiki treatments can help you be releasing tension and making you feel more relaxed, calm and refreshed. Another way to embrace change is to be aware of climate change and our role within our environment. As individuals we all need to actively reduce our carbon footprint. If...